Thursday 23 November 2017

9th week 20th - 23rd November

20th November (Monday)

We repeat our performance twice for Rob and Sharon, both were longer than 30minutes. We were told to keep everything fast for examples, during our scene to scene exits and entrances, Rob asked us not to stay for too long in the backstage waiting for character from previous scene to exit first, it's better to enter the stage while the last character done with his lines. Then we could fit our performance within 30 minutes, audience get to see everything faster too without waiting for characters to come on stage. 

21st November (Tuesday)

(check performance blog)

23rd November (Wednesday)

We've been working on the Papa Tango script work. Learning how to write a complete script by adding all the details like, characters, conflicts, relationships, scenes and more. It was really fun doing this because I could put all the weird ideas together and create a story then a script by myself. 

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Performance day !!! ROMEO AND JULIET

21st November (Tuesday) 


8.45 in the morning, we were asked to gather at the foyer of Shaw Theatre to get ready for a technical rehearsal. Performers from another school will do their technical rehearse first while we will be in the dressing room and get dressed. After they've done with that, they will be doing the full rehearsal with dress and we will watch.

Then will be our turn to do the technical rehearse, we ran through this very quickly by reading the last of our lines in each scene so that the technical person will know when to blackout and light up. After that we ran through a dress rehearsal and the students from another school watch us.

After the preparation in Shaw Theatre, we went back to college and Sharon was going to talk to us of things that we need to change during performance and telling some people about their mistakes. 

What we need to be considered during performance?...
  • Speak out to the audience, as the audience area was really big. We shouldn't be thinking of ourselves at the theatre in college as we need to project our voice much more bigger than usual in order to let the audience at the back hear us. 
  • This was what I did during the dress rehearsal, when i was leaving the stage after my scene, i immediately lost my character and have forgotten that i was still on stage. Sharon used this as an example for other member that we should still be in character until we walk in to the curtain beside the stage. The way we leave the stage needs to be fully in character. 
  • Always know when you're next. During the dress rehearsal, some of us were not ready to get on stage so has been wasted some time of the play. We should not go to other places or talking with others while the performance are still going on. Even though we are in the back of stage, we still need to be concentrate on what's happening in front.
  • As we only got 30mins of performing time for this two hours long play, we need to do everything quick. Not saying our lines quick but we need to use the time wisely, when it's our character's turn to be on stage we need to quickly move on, and not waiting for the previous character to reach backstage first, we doesn't want any pauses in between scene changing for too long. 
After 20mins of talking, we were dismissed from college and need to be back at Shaw Theatre by 6pm to warm up and get ready before the audiences come.

At 6pm evening, all four schools gathered on stage to start with warm ups. We did some stretches and voice projection exercises. We were told that our school will be performing last, we get to watch the first two schools perform in the audience seat, and when the audience are getting some break after two performances we will then move to the dressing room and wait for our turn to perform. 

First performance will be 'Macbeth'. All feedback are given by myself on what i really think about them. 

Feedback for "Macbeth" play:
  • Lady Macbeth spoke her lines in a very clear voice and all words can be heard by everyone, we were watching their play siting at the end of the audience seat and still be able to hear her. 
  • The changes between scene to scene were really nice. There was one when they were doing something in a soft background music then when a hot music came off, they started running in a circle with very fast speed. They caught audience's full attention by this. 
  • I love their fighting scene too, they were doing it with slow motion, this will able the audience to see through all details and movements they put in this scene. And they used the level really well, as some of them were lying down on the floor struggling and some were kicking or punching with higher body level. 
Second performance will be 'The Tempest'. 

Feedback for "The Tempest" play: 
  • They do not have any exit or entrance part as all cast members were sitting on stage showing their backs to audience in a semi circle, only characters that need to speak stand up and turn around then act their scene. 
  • This is a long play, but when the students were acting this out, they were able to fit all important scenes in the play with only 30mins and didn't miss out anything. 
Third one will be 'A Mid Summer Night's Dream'.

Feedback for "A Mid Summer Night's Dream" play:
  • Their background music were on before they getting up on stage, and so it brings up audience's mood and they started to come into scene group by group. Their steps and actions were all so energetic. 
  • Some of them forgot their lines a little but they covered it up fast, they knew how to add some facial expression when the pausing is too long while waiting for on actor to speak.
  • There was one character that impressed me, she was 'Helena' in the play. I like all her facial expressions and actions as she was really into her character. I have not watched this play before and i think when i see her acting i can tell what the character Helena is like in the play. 
  • They did not waste any of the cast member in this play, for the forest scene, there were trees all around casting by few members. I love how they use this as an idea for getting more people on stage.

After three schools done with their play, it's our turn to be on stage. We were all quite nervous while standing at the back waiting to be on stage, I think Jaychelle must be the most nervous one as she needs to stand in the middle of the stage before everything began. 

What Went Well during the performance?...(feedback from others and myself)
  • We used up the space on stage as Sharon and Rob always mention that to us, all play will look better if actors/actresses have their own equal space between each other, not only for the audience to see all of us, also it would be easy for us to do any movements on stage and not hitting other character. 
  • Everyone of us projected our voice beautifully, audience in their seats were able to hear us clearly. 
  • We avoided our 'KISS OR KILL' position, we took what we learned from the workshop in to our performance.
  • For characters that have long monologue, they spoke their lines out to the audience by looking at the highest space so that all audience can see them. 
  • We did not show our back to the audience, when we did it accidentally, we will slowly turn ourselves around without letting the audience notice.  
Even Better If we could....
  • We could make more props ourselves, like the actors in Macbeth, they made themselves tree branches as weapon to fight. Instead of fighting with an invisible weapon on hand, if there's something we could really hold on, I think it will be more realistic for the audience to watch. 
  • We could have planned more on our costumes, for example, same colour theme on each side (Montagues or Capulets). So audience get to know who we are without any confusion. 
Overall: I think we did really really great as everyone else was giving us positive feedbacks, this performance really helped with my confidence. I'm looking forward for more performances in the future. And I enjoyed planning everything together in a group, it was fun having your own team together doing something productive. 

Friday 17 November 2017

8th week 13th - 16th November (full rehearsal week before performance day)

14th November (Tuesday)

We ran through the whole performance once in the theatre to record how much time we used. And did some improvements in each scene. Some characters already put their costumes on, the rehearsal became more lively with costumes. 

15th November (Wednesday)

We worked on the scene where Tybalt and Mercutio died, and added 'That's my son!' to Lady Montague shouting at the Prince showing how much she doesn't want Romeo to be sentenced to death, even though she knows that he did something really wrong.

16th November (Thursday)

We did twice full run rehearsal with Rob, he wanted us to make it clear with our entrances and exits from scene to scene. 

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Term 1 unit 3 HEALTH & SAFETY

For us actors and actresses, we stay on stage often or in backstage with full of heavy props. As that, we should be clear with our health and safety during rehearsals or performances.

What should we be aware of while we're at the theatre?...
  • Make sure we keep all our belongings in the dressing room and not on stage. For examples, shoes, costumes, bags, etc. Stage floor should be kept dry and cleared with slippery materials.
  • Backstage stairs should be maintained in good condition. 
  • Make our entrances and exits clear so that we wont bump into each other while performing.
  • All alleyways should be clear of litter and obstacles. 
  • Make sure there're unblocked ways for audience, actors and crew members to exit. 
  • Young actors/actresses should only use props or equipments that is age appropriate and skill level appropriate, for example, we shouldn't be using real knife or anything harmful as a prop during performance. 
What can we do in order to protect our voice and body during performance?...

Warm ups before performance or rehearsals for an actor is very important, it helps to flexibilize our body and we will be able to do some big movements if it's require in the performance. Here's an example of an exercise we could do before starting anything.

  1. Stand with your feet a shoulder width apart.
  2. Stretch up with your left arm on to your toes as if reaching to find a key on a high shelf.
  3. After 10seconds, lower your heels to the floor but keep your hand searching for the key.
  4. Another 10seconds, drop your arm and follow it down to the floor with your upper body hanging from your hips.
  5. Rest for a moment then reach up with your right arm repeat. 
  6. Drop again and hang there. Your knees should be slightly bent and pointing in the same direction as your toes.
  7. Sway slightly keeping your spine and head free. 
  8. On an in-breath, slowly build up through the spine, vertebra by vertebra, until your head comes to rest floating on the top.
  9. Your eyes should be open and engaged with what's in front of you.
  10. You should have the feeling of being centred and released. 

  • Use good posture and breathe properly when speaking, we could get rid of voice cramp due to sudden breaking in. Limbering up the voice with some vocal exercises before going on stage also helps prevent vocal strain.
  • Avoid overused our voice before performance, especially for teen actors like us. We often scream too much and it's possible to get a pitifully cracked and raspy voice. When this happen, we should sit quietly at the side and drink more water. As an actor/actress, we must learn to not scream and shout too much while attending events otherwise will strain our vocal chords especially when we have rehearsals or performance the next day. 
  • Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits or vegetables that contain vitamin A, E and C to help keep the throat's mucus membranes healthy. Avoid spicy foods, it can create havoc on the voice. 

Friday 10 November 2017

7th week 6th - 9th November

7th November (Tuesday) A DAY TO SHAW THEATRE

A standard proscenium stage.

We went to the Shaw Theatre!!

Everyone was so excited to see the place where they are going to perform at. When we got there, everyone started to go on stage and explore about the stage and backstage and also imagine if there're audience siting in front of all the seats. 

Rob asked us to use our time wisely because we couldn't stay for longer in there. So we quickly went in to character and started a full rehearsal. We changed some bits in the play as we're now on the actual stage, the space are gonna be a little bit different from where we usually rehearse in college.

I think we did better on the stage in Shaw Theatre, we can feel the atmosphere there and we did the rehearsal just like if we're on the actual day. We could see the last row in the audience seats were really far so when we speak, we always project our voice loud in order to get the voices there.

During our usual rehearsals, most of us exit our scene randomly, but on the actual stage, the exits and entrances will be at the side (wings), so we will need to work on how are we going to exit and enter each scene to make it look clearer for the audience.

A visit before performance day helps us a lot like...
  • Blocking
  • Exits and entrances
  • How loud do we need to project our voice
  • Where do we need to look while performing

8th November (Wednesday)

12 more days to our performance day in Shaw Theatre!!

Sharon wanted us to make ourselves a timeline of what are we going to work on for the rest of the time before performance in the Shaw Theatre. 

A rough planning timeline suggested by everyone.
Timeline :

9th November (Thursday)
11am to 1pm - full rehearse 
3pm to 3.30pm - talk about costumes
3.30pm to 4.30pm - full rehearse 

13th November (Monday)
11am to 1pm - talk about props
2pm to 3.30pm - full rehearse 
no scripts allowed

14th November (Tuesday)
12.30pm to 1.30pm - work on our blog as usual
2pm to 3.30pm - full rehearse

15th November (Wednesday)
10am to 11.30am - full rehearse
11.30am to 12pm - talk about costumes

16th November (Thursday)
9.30am to 10.30am - independant work
11am to 1pm - full rehearse
3pm to 4.30pm - full rehearsal with costumes

20th November (Monday)
11am to 1pm - full rehearsal with costumes
2pm to 3.30pm - full rehearsal with costumes 

21st November (Tuesday)
(to be confirmed)
before 6pm - gather at the Shaw Theatre

What will go well after planning ourselves a timetable?...
  • Our time for rehearsals will be really organise, because we know exactly what are we going to do on that day in each lesson, so when we go to college we will follow our timetable. It can reduce any extra time for us figuring out what are we going to do or waiting for people to arrive, we will start rehearsal and when someone arrive late to the class/theatre, they will then join in with group. 
  • We gave ourselves some time to talk about costumes and props, so that during the real performance we won't bring props or wear costumes that doesn't even fit with the performance. 
  • Besides from all full rehearsals through out the week, we also gave ourselves time to update with our blog work during both tutorial and context period, so that we won't miss so much to update after performance. 

Friday 3 November 2017

6th week 31st October - 2nd November

31st October (Tuesday)

Three weeks till our performance day in Shaw Theatre!!

We did warm ups as usual, Sharon asked us to think of ourselves three actions or something that we will do in normal day as the character in R&J. Each of us took our little space in room and start doing things by ourselves. My three movements...
  1. Cleaning the house.
  2. Getting coffee ready for guests. 
  3. Tidying bookshelves. 
My explanation to Sharon was, I enjoyed doing my job and i spend most of my time cleaning the house. I don't really have a thing that i love doing while I'm free, because houseworks are the only things I'm interested in. 

After that, we began to work on details for the party scene as that is the scene where all cast members will be on stage. Sharon wanted to make sure that we're going smoothly in the scene. Also, Sharon has worked on other scenes too, and few have improved by adding more details.