Wednesday 15 November 2017

Term 1 unit 3 HEALTH & SAFETY

For us actors and actresses, we stay on stage often or in backstage with full of heavy props. As that, we should be clear with our health and safety during rehearsals or performances.

What should we be aware of while we're at the theatre?...
  • Make sure we keep all our belongings in the dressing room and not on stage. For examples, shoes, costumes, bags, etc. Stage floor should be kept dry and cleared with slippery materials.
  • Backstage stairs should be maintained in good condition. 
  • Make our entrances and exits clear so that we wont bump into each other while performing.
  • All alleyways should be clear of litter and obstacles. 
  • Make sure there're unblocked ways for audience, actors and crew members to exit. 
  • Young actors/actresses should only use props or equipments that is age appropriate and skill level appropriate, for example, we shouldn't be using real knife or anything harmful as a prop during performance. 
What can we do in order to protect our voice and body during performance?...

Warm ups before performance or rehearsals for an actor is very important, it helps to flexibilize our body and we will be able to do some big movements if it's require in the performance. Here's an example of an exercise we could do before starting anything.

  1. Stand with your feet a shoulder width apart.
  2. Stretch up with your left arm on to your toes as if reaching to find a key on a high shelf.
  3. After 10seconds, lower your heels to the floor but keep your hand searching for the key.
  4. Another 10seconds, drop your arm and follow it down to the floor with your upper body hanging from your hips.
  5. Rest for a moment then reach up with your right arm repeat. 
  6. Drop again and hang there. Your knees should be slightly bent and pointing in the same direction as your toes.
  7. Sway slightly keeping your spine and head free. 
  8. On an in-breath, slowly build up through the spine, vertebra by vertebra, until your head comes to rest floating on the top.
  9. Your eyes should be open and engaged with what's in front of you.
  10. You should have the feeling of being centred and released. 

  • Use good posture and breathe properly when speaking, we could get rid of voice cramp due to sudden breaking in. Limbering up the voice with some vocal exercises before going on stage also helps prevent vocal strain.
  • Avoid overused our voice before performance, especially for teen actors like us. We often scream too much and it's possible to get a pitifully cracked and raspy voice. When this happen, we should sit quietly at the side and drink more water. As an actor/actress, we must learn to not scream and shout too much while attending events otherwise will strain our vocal chords especially when we have rehearsals or performance the next day. 
  • Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits or vegetables that contain vitamin A, E and C to help keep the throat's mucus membranes healthy. Avoid spicy foods, it can create havoc on the voice. 

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