Thursday 23 November 2017

9th week 20th - 23rd November

20th November (Monday)

We repeat our performance twice for Rob and Sharon, both were longer than 30minutes. We were told to keep everything fast for examples, during our scene to scene exits and entrances, Rob asked us not to stay for too long in the backstage waiting for character from previous scene to exit first, it's better to enter the stage while the last character done with his lines. Then we could fit our performance within 30 minutes, audience get to see everything faster too without waiting for characters to come on stage. 

21st November (Tuesday)

(check performance blog)

23rd November (Wednesday)

We've been working on the Papa Tango script work. Learning how to write a complete script by adding all the details like, characters, conflicts, relationships, scenes and more. It was really fun doing this because I could put all the weird ideas together and create a story then a script by myself. 

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